urn:uuid:71d67df6-fc03-57b4-91ce-5c51c519f957 Topic: Metadata – Ctrl blog Daniel Aleksandersen https://www.daniel.priv.no/ Copyright © 2022 Daniel Aleksandersen. https://www.ctrl.blog/assets/logo/logo-square.svg 2022-10-10T10:34:00Z weekly 10 urn:uuid:4c301105-5fa9-4f2a-bd38-7604b11b9d70 2022-10-10T10:34:00Z 2022-10-10T10:34:00Z I miss del.icio.us – the web’s discovery-engine and link classifier The early 2000s social bookmarking and link-sharing website was great for organizing and discovering the web by topic. I really wish it still was around. <p>Delicious (stylized after its domain <code>del.icio.us</code>) was a social bookmarking website. It might not sound all that interesting, but it was one of the best websites in the early 2000s. Here’s why I miss this defunct website so much.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/delicious-bookmarks.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:6d2db395-cd46-491d-b124-c017aea05af5 2022-04-25T20:19:00Z 2022-04-25T20:19:00Z Can you use a WebP file as an Open Graph Protocol image? Do you still need to maintain webpage thumbnails/link previews in legacy image formats, or have apps caught up with the WebP revolution? It’s a bit complicated. <p>The Open Graph Protocol (OGP) was created by and for Facebook in 2010. OGP is a pseudo-standard set of metadata tags you can include on your webpages to describe its contents. By now, it’s become the primary data source for generated link previews across the web and apps.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/webp-ogp.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:ba6301cd-ca61-43d6-a113-a486b52fc724 2020-09-29T16:17:00Z 2020-10-08T22:12:00Z How to label a webpage as being out-of-date Humans will understand an “out-of-date” label near an article’s dateline. Here’s how to make search engines aware of outdated pages in a machine-readable format. <p>You might not want search engines to direct people to your outdated product pages or blog posts. Especially when your site has other and more up-to-date webpages available. Here’s how to label webpages as being out-of-date for humans and machines.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/label-outdated-webpages.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:1c44958b-a118-4d0e-9fcb-0a96a9f15ff9 2020-08-16T07:54:00Z 2020-08-16T07:54:00Z The difference between RDFa’s property and rel attributes The difference between RDFa’s <code translate="no">property</code> and <code translate="no">rel</code> attributes You can easily get unexpected HTML+RDFa Lite parsing results by unknowingly using it with RDFa Core attributes that just happens to also be HTML attributes. <p>I’ve talked about HTML link metadata in the past. In that earlier article, I glanced over one detail that gave me a serious headache this week. That issue was the difference between the <code>property</code> and <code>rel</code> attributes, and how the two interoperate when used on the same <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> or <code>&lt;link&gt;</code> element.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/rdfa-link-attributes.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:07616fda-8ee7-4e89-8d7c-6f8f100c9ad5 2020-06-07T16:14:00Z 2020-09-02T02:02:00Z Embed XMP sidecars into image files with embed_xmp Embed XMP sidecars into image files with <code translate="no">embed_xmp</code> Here’s my new utility program and Ruby library for embedding XMP sidecar files (.xmp/.xml) into JPEG, PNG, SVG, and WebP image files. <p>I wanted a program to inject Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) sidecar (stand-alone) files into an image file. Image metadata is most useful when embedded into image files after all. I was surprised to learn that options for XMP editors were thin on the ground. I had to create a new program to get the job done.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/embed-xmp.html">Read more …</a></p>