urn:uuid:9190562f-aa35-5c13-b890-f566df47645c Topic: Web Browsers – Ctrl blog Daniel Aleksandersen https://www.daniel.priv.no/ Copyright © 2023 Daniel Aleksandersen. https://www.ctrl.blog/assets/logo/logo-square.svg 2023-09-10T22:12:00Z weekly 10 urn:uuid:c563f648-bb50-4a50-a1bf-7d83ebfb28cd 2023-09-10T22:12:00Z 2023-09-10T22:12:00Z Microsoft has not stopped forcing Edge on Windows 11 users Microsoft has <strong>not</strong> stopped forcing Edge on Windows 11 users Microsoft announces vague changes to the default web browser setting for Windows Insider. Nothing but wishful thinking. Still force-opens web links in Edge. <p>Microsoft published a blog post on the Windows Insider Blog in late August with a vague statement saying that “Windows system components“ were to begin respecting the default web browser setting. Windows 10 and 11 regularly bypass this setting and force-open links in Microsoft Edge instead. In my extensive testing, I haven’t found any changes in the new Windows Insider version.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/windows-system-components-default-edge.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:7b453461-c66a-45db-acb7-06207a4ef953 2023-01-01T22:26:00Z 2023-01-01T22:26:00Z I’ve joined Vivaldi Technologies Back in November, I began my new job as a Quality Assurance (QA) Tester at Vivaldi Technologies. Vivaldi is the productivity super-app of web browsers. <p>On November 1st, I joined familiar faces from my days at Opera Software and new colleges at Vivaldi Technologies. I joined as a Quality Assurance Tester working on the Vivaldi web browser product for mobile and desktop.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/vivaldi-technologies.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:210a619d-598e-4152-a92c-2f942e163c47 2022-07-10T13:26:00Z 2022-07-10T13:26:00Z On-device browser translations with Firefox Translations Firefox can now do offline and privacy-preserving translation of eight languages with more on the way. Powered by open-source and machine-learning. <p>The Mozilla Firefox web browser is finally beginning to catch up in a market where every competitor has an online language translation service feature. Firefox recently debuted its long-awaited privacy-preserving on-device translation service.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/firefox-translations.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:c8a7dafd-113c-4d69-924c-66f0f2d86a46 2022-06-12T22:00:00Z 2022-06-12T22:00:00Z The Current Version of Popular Browsers API (powered by Wikidata) Need an API to get the current version numbers for the stable and extended support releases of Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari? Wikidata got your back. <p>What’s the current stable version of Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari? Your browser automatically checks for and keeps itself up to date. However, sometimes you need to find the latest version numbers for other uses. How do you get the latest version numbers of the most popular web browsers?</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/latest-browser-versions-api.html">Read more …</a></p> urn:uuid:795a9d32-a7c5-4765-86db-418785fa8100 2022-04-05T13:57:00Z 2022-04-05T13:57:00Z Samsung devices incorrectly handle CSS @media hover queries Samsung devices incorrectly handle CSS <code translate=no>@media hover</code> queries The CSS @media hover query detects hover-capable input devices. Samsung touchscreens on Android gives unexpected results by pretending to be a computer touchpad. <p>The <code>hover</code> <code>@media</code> feature query lets you check if a device’s primary input device supports hovering interactive elements. It became part of the web platform as of CSS Media Queries Level 4. The <code>hover: hover</code> query should match on devices with a mouse cursor (e.g. a touchpad), and <code>hover: none</code> should match touchscreens (mobile devices). Unfortunately, Samsung devices say their touchscreens are touchpads.</p> <p><a href="https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/css-media-hover-samsung.html">Read more …</a></p>